WhatsApp is introducing a new feature powered by generative AI in India. This latest addition brings the Meta AI chatbot to the instant messaging platform. Some users in India can now see the Meta AI icon in their main chat list. Meta AI is built on the Large Language Model Meta AI (Llama) and allows WhatsApp users to engage in conversations on a wide range of topics.
The team at Gadgets360 had an opportunity to experience this AI-powered feature on Wednesday. According to the screenshot shared by the publication, the Meta AI chat opens with a verified badge and features the hashtag “#with Llama#”. The chat window prompts users to ask Meta AI anything and offers a range of suggestive prompts in a carousel format that can be accessed by swiping. These prompts include topics like “imagine a car race on Mars,” “imagine a holographic bus,” “Healthy life goals,” and more.
The Meta AI feature is currently accessible in select countries and exclusively supports the English language. Upon starting a chat with Meta AI, the platform informs you that “Messages from Meta AI and other characters are generated by artificial intelligence (AI), using a service from Meta, in response to the prompts you send to the AI”.
The platform further specifies that Meta AI can only read and respond to chats that mention @MetaAI, indicating that the tool does not have access to other conversations. Additionally, the prompt includes that “As always, your personal messages and calls remain end-to-end encrypted, meaning not even WhatsApp or Meta can see or listen to them”.
If you find this feature interesting and would like to engage with Meta AI, here’s how you can get started.
Step 1: To start a chat with the Meta AI feature on WhatsApp, tap on the circular icon located on the top right of the main chat list on your Apple iPhone and on Android it would be located at the bottom right corner above the new chat button.
Step 2: Then, read and accept the terms (if prompted), select a suggested prompt from the screen or type your own, and tap the send button to initiate the conversation.
It’s important to mention that WhatsApp collects feedback from users regarding the Meta AI feature. Users can tap and hold the AI-generated responses, choosing between ‘Good response’ or ‘Bad response,’ and can also type a reason before submitting it.