WhatsApp is not new to fake messages. This time too, the company has warned people regarding a fake message that wrongly indicates the government’s involvement in chat privacy and introduction of new ticks/ colours if the government has read your message. It is to note that WhatsApp has filed a lawsuit against the Indian government over a new clause in IT rules which can make traceability of messages mandatory. Following this lawsuit, a new fake message is allegedly taking turns telling people what will happen if the government reads the messages in a chat.
Right now, WhatsApp chats have a two-tick system. Upon sending a message, if one tick appears, this means that the message has been sent but not received by another user. Two ticks appear when the message is received and the two ticks become blue once the message is read. Now, this fake message claims that a third tick is being added.
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According to the fake message, a third blue tick will appear when the government has taken a note of that message. In case the government wants to take action, then one blue tick and two red ticks will appear and three red ticks mean that the user is being summoned to the court. WhatsApp users should not believe in any of these messages as the company has denied this development and asked people to steer clear of such messages.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp chats are end-to-end encrypted and this implies that no one can read the personal messages being sent on the platform. No government or third party has access to such messages. Many fake messages have been going around since last year with issues like these and the company has requested people to not forward these messages.
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Also, if any such message is received during the time when WhatsApp and the government are in the middle of debating a new IT clause, the company has asked people to report that message.
— via (financialexpress.com)